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David Nuñez Thérapie Naturelle Karte

David Nuñez Thérapie Naturelle

Telefon: 021 635 10 05


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Die PSE Psychosomatische Energetik ist eine nat rliche und ganzheitliche Methode, um chronisch kranken Menschen, mit Hilfe der angewandten Kinesiologie und starken hom opathischen Komplexmittel, auszutesten und zu behandeln

Dienstleistung Kategorien

chakra  migr ne  arrhythmie  leistungssteigerung  akne  konzentrationsst rung  schlafst rung  sinusitis  unfruchtbarkeit  schwindel  krebs  immunst rung  herzrhythmusst rung  chronische ersch pfung  darmflora  naturheilverfahren  stress  immunschw che  besorgtheit  trauer  burnout  nebenwirkung  autismus  fibromyalgie  ausleitung  durchfall  ptbs  emotional  bergewicht  epilepsie  insomnie  angst  multiple sklerose  heilung  entwicklung  impotenz  posttraumatische belastungsst rung  alkoholismus  impfung  reizdarm  kinderimpfung  verstopfung  sucht  immunsystem  

Bezogene Services

Home page Welcome Welcome to the English pages of, home of the Integrative Therapy method.
This page is intended as

an introduction to the site and to Psychosomatic Energetics (PSE) , which serves as the basis for Integrative Therapy, to help you find your way around the site, and to refer you to changes, additions, and new information.
Who can benefit This site is intended for

anyone who suffers from long-term, chronic health problems , for those who have trouble along the way emotionally and want to change their lives, and also for those who wish to treat seasonal illnesses like the flu, the common cold, or allergies, in a natural and holistic way.
Naturally, people who are interested in working on themselves and want to do something good for their bodies and for their souls proactively can

use this method preventatively and keep problems from occurring in the first place.
In essence, this site is dedicated to all interested in personal growth, spiritual unfolding, and a healthier, fuller life.
Navigation On the left-hand side you will find a menu which will lead you to the answers to the most important questions about the PSE method. These pages will cover most of the aspects both to things practical and theoretical, and of course refer you to various other valuable resources. is available in

French . To change the language, click on the appropriate flag on the top, right-hand side of any of the pages.

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