8600 Dübendorf Stettbachstr. 1
Ozonia Ag Karte
Ozonia Ag
Telefon: (044) 801 85 11
Webseite (ozonia.ch)
potable, ultraviolet light water disinfection, pre traitement, generator, water treatment equipment, desinfection, ondeo degremont, membrane, primary treatment, eau, aquasource, industrial water treatment, osmose inverse, waste water treatment, polysulfone, ultrafiltration, skid, industrial waste water, membrane ultrafiltration, filtration, generatoren, ecoskid, cryptosporidium, utrafiltration membrane, municipal waste water treatment, ultrasource, clarification, water treatment systems, nanofiltration, wastewater treatment, microfiltration, giardia
Dienstleistung Kategorien
potable ultraviolet light water disinfection pre traitement generator water treatment equipment desinfection ondeo degremont membrane primary treatment eau aquasource industrial water treatment osmose inverse waste water treatment polysulfone ultrafiltration skid industrial waste water membrane ultrafiltration filtration generatoren ecoskid cryptosporidium utrafiltration membrane municipal waste water treatment ultrasource clarification water treatment systems nanofiltration wastewater treatment microfiltration giardia
Bezogene Services
With a global presence, Ozonia is regarded as the world leader specializing in ozone generation and ultraviolet (UV) technology for industrial and municipal water treatment.
Ozonia is one of the world’s largest leading suppliers of UV and ozone disinfection systems. Ozonia has a long history and extensive experience in both technologies, and supplies ozone and UV equipment to the municipal and industrial sectors. As disinfection of water and wastewater is a global need, Ozonia has representatives in many countries worldwide, each of which use the same core technologies to provide global customers the proper support services.
As a leader in disinfection solutions, Ozonia designs and manufactures a wide range of though ozone and UV technologies incorporating the most sophisticated electronics technology available. Ozonia systems are designed for various water and wastewater treatment application in the municipal and industrial markets. Each system has a variety of technical features developed to simplify installation and allow minimal operator attention and maintenance.
Ozonia International was founded by Ondeo Degremont, S. A. (Paris, France) and Air Liquide (Paris, France) in 1990 after the purchase of the ozone and UV technologies from Asea Brown Boveri (ABB) Ozone Group by Ondeo Degremont. Ozonia’ history and involvement in UV technology goes back to its predecessor company ABB (formerly Brown Boveri of Switzerland). In the early 1970’s, ABB developed and manufactured a variety of single and multiple lamp UV systems for potable water treatment, offshore oil-rigs and industrial wastewater disinfection. ABB’s extensive UV knowledge was transferred to the newly formed Ozonia in 1990, along with all its vast ozone generation and power supply technology. In 1995, Ozonia went on to acquire additional UV process and systems capability with a corporate acquisition in Europe, now known as Ozonia Triogen Ltd. Since it’s inception, the Ozonia companies have handled UV and ozone contracts from industrial and municipal clients from almost every corner of the world.
As disinfection of water and wastewater is a global need, Ozonia was separated into four companies, each of which uses the same core technologies to provide our global customers the proper support services. As a leader in disinfection solutions, Ozonia continues to stress new, innovative technology through major research and development programs based in Zurich, Switzerland. Ozonia customers receive the full benefit of a company providing the latest up-to-date equipment worldwide, as well as access to and the convenience of our worldwide customer support network.
Ozonia Worldwide Offices
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OZONIA SWITZERLAND Stettbachstrasse 1
8600 Dübendorf
Tél. : + 41 44 801 8511
Fax : +41 44 801 8502
Email: info-ozoniaCH@degtec.com
Leonia, NJ 07605
Tel: 201 676 2525
Fax: 201 346 5460
Email: info-ozonia@degtec.com
16 place de l’Iris
92040 Paris La Défense cedex FRANCE
Tel: +33
Fax: +33
Email: info-ozoniaFR@degtec.com
OZONIA Triogen Ltd. Triogen Ltd.
Unit 14 Langlands Place
East Kilbride G75 0YF
Tel: +44 (0) 13 55 220 598
Fax: +44 (0) 13 55 570 058
Email: info-triogen@degtec.com
Web: www.triogen.co.uk
OZONIA RUSSIA 603155 г. Нижний Новгород
ул. Б.Печерская, 26, оф.807
Tel: +7 831 434 16 28
Email: info-ozoniaRU@degtec.com
OZONIA KOREA Yatap Leaders B/D 2F (211)
No 342-1, Yatap-Dong
Bundang-Gu, Seongnam City,
South Korea
Tel: +82 31 701 9036
Fax: +82 31 701 4028
Email: info-ozoniaKR@degtec.com
DEGRÉMONT JAPAN KK 2-21, Mita 3-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0073 Japan
Tel: +81 3 5444 6361
Fax: +81 3 5444 0851
Email: info-japan@degtec.com
DEGRÉMONT CHINA 9F Jing Guang Office Building Hu Jia Lou
Chaoyang District
100020 Beijing
Tel: +86 10 6597 38 60
Fax: +86 10 6597 36 60
Email: info-china@degtec.com
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