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8126 Zumikon Küsnachterstrasse 19

Momentum It Consulting Gmbh Karte

Momentum It Consulting Gmbh

Telefon: (043) 288 02 80


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elektronik, export und import, berufsverbände, edv-dienstleistungsunternehmen, vertrieb, edv-beratungsunternehmen und softwarehäuser, elektrotechnik und edv grosshandel

Dienstleistung Kategorien

elektronik  export und import  berufsverbände  edv-dienstleistungsunternehmen  vertrieb  edv-beratungsunternehmen und softwarehäuser  elektrotechnik und edv grosshandel  

Bezogene Services

Today’s current networking technologies are increasingly complex. Identifying and successfully implementing the most appropriate solution for your organization is essential to optimizing network efficiency and overall business performance.

momentumIT services and solutions can help you map technology solutions to your unique business needs, select the most suitable and effective elements from the array of current and emerging technologies, and deploy them to your greatest advantage. In addition, momentumIT can help with developing the necessary processes and tools to support the rapid implementation of enhanced services for your customers and end-users.

Our Network and Systems Management Consulting Portfolio is focused on the planning, design, implementation, operation, and staffing of reliable, scalable, and secure network and systems management systems and network operation centers. The Portfolio also offers proactive performance engineering and management services to help you properly engineer and manage your networks to ensure reliable performance for mission-critical applications and end users. A full range of business consulting services are available which provide high value to technology-based project initiatives in such areas as business service management, and business process analysis and design.

News 15.10.2011 ; ; ; Helpdesk v2.2.1-6 available
04.07.2011 ; ; ; Helpdesk v2.1.3 available
19.03.2011 ; ; ; Helpdesk v2.1.1 available
16.06.2010 ; ; ; Hosting web server started
13.04.2010 ; ; ; PostFinance decides for momentum IT

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